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Tuesday 3 April 2012

Legalism or Merciful?

It would be good if we felt great all the time.  Whenever crisis strikes you can choose to do the right thing. If you never have crisis you will never build character. Anger is an emotion that is not necessarily wrong,it's what you do with it. We all have emotions, but anger is usually the one that surfaces pretty quickly. You always need to do the greater thing when you have been wronged. Not easy in anyone's book.
You can change your life radically by not following your emotions. Make a positive declaration that  you will not be 'ruled' by your emotions.
Legalistic takes away from Merciful. A legalistic person is usually a perfectionist who judges, criticises and on the whole harsh. Merciful is the opposite it forgives quickly. Here's a useful tip, Be merciful to others because one day YOU may need THEIR mercy.
Scars remind us of where we have been- they do not have to dictate our future! I have been broken many, many times, too many scars to mention. I could have become a drug addict, alcoholic, promiscuous.  Anything to block out the pain and the hurt.Being angry and judgemental all the time virtually ruined my life. Others could see it and responded accordingly causing alienation . I know first hand that being angry hurts no one but yourself. My brokenness didn't just happen, it has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Being merciful changed my life in more ways than one. It gave me the opportunity to realise and understand that bad things happen to good people, that life is not fair and to have no expectations.  It teaches you that situations and circumstances change all the time and recognising that sometimes things happen beyond your control. So being stressed and angry is pointless. I had to drag positive out of every negative.  Understanding that people let you down whether it be your spouse, partner, friend or family.  Legalistic people tend  to look for flaws and imperfections in others. They do not forgive and they certainly do not forget.
Being merciful offers the opposite and gives the offender the opportunity to put things right and even if they don't, you will feel better for it,  Leave it to their conscience and let them have the sleepless nights.  Not you ! There is nothing good or clever in seeking revenge.  I could have done that my whole life through. I would have had to ask myself at what cost to me?  I spent too many years being legalistic  being bound up in my own pain regurgitating all the horrible things that I have been through.  Pressing forward and forgetting what's passed  only serves to make you stronger and builds resilience.  My brokenness from which I never thought I would recover from it,.  I am the living, breathing proof that you can be free from what legalism can turn you into.
What will you choose, Legalism or Mercy?

If you would like my help please visit my website @ www.counsellingrapidresponse.co.uk  you will find information there available on how to contact me.

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