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Saturday 7 January 2012

Tip of the week: Enjoy Your Life And Stop Complaining !

Welcome back.
It occurs to me that we are all here only once so you might as well enjoy your life.
I spent far too many years having pity parties. When you don't enjoy your life there is no joy, no peace, no satisfaction.  We all make excuses.  I have done things wrong and made excuses, 'It was my childhood, it was my parents, it was my job, it was my marriage.' However, apart from becoming boring, people don't want to stick around people who constantly moans and complains. There comes a time when  you reach a point of saying 'enough is enough'. Enough is enough involves self-discipline and self control. I have to exercise self control and self discipline every day. for example: the person who is irritating me, the food I eat, doing things that are good for me and of course, my mouth !!  How I would love to tell the idiot drivers  who drive like maniacs risking life and limb and those around them. Getting your own way all the time is not reality. Do you talk to much or not communicate enough? Either can become an issue. What tone is used. sometimes it is not what we're saying, it's the way we say it.
I know from my own experience that I had a very aggressive tone, and yes it was because of my past , because I had to fight and struggle for everything.I had also been shown aggression  and thought that having people afraid of me was pretty cool.  NOT COOL !   It took discipline to change that. Thankfully I have changed beyond recognition and it can work for you too. Do what you can and stop complaining about what you can't do.  Complaining all the time will bring Depression, anxiety, discontentment and on and on.  It will affect every area of your life  until you have no time left to enjoy, because you're too busy complaining. The only person stopping you, is you. Be bold enough to step out and go through your problems.  No one is in charge of your happiness, but YOU. Start by stopping your pity parties thinking about everything that is wrong in your life. Develop a better attitude about yourself and others.  People complain about circumstances and situations as though somehow they believe the results will change themselves.  WRONG.
You think it's ok to use your circumstances to treat people any old how, but when they do the same to you, you get angry and resentful.   Stop blaming others for the problems you encounter in your life, they cannot change what has happened. However, it's the attitude that you adopt will make all the difference.  You can choose to get angry, bitter and twisted or you can choose to let it go, and not allow incidences to have any power over you.  A good example of this, is Doreen Lawrence. Her son Stephen brutally murdered at a London bus stop 18 years ago.  As a mother one of the worst things that could ever happen.  She held herself  with dignity and decorum all this time. Her attitude was that justice would prevail and to a certain extent it did.
She and her family could have adopted quite a different attitude. I never once heard her screaming, ranting and raving, waving fists or using curse words. She is not bitter or resentful, but maintains an air of dignity and has my huge respect.
If you need my help please do not hesitate to contact me via blog, email, fb or linked in.
Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog, great way to start the year
