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Thursday 8 December 2011

Tip of the week: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It's no good telling someone you love them if you never do anything to back that statement up. Loving someone means doing 'nice' things without being asked to. It's a feeling you get when you think of that person and you know, because you know you are loved. Loving someone is not always about doing nice things, it can also be about Tough Love. A new concept for some. Hard to do for the individual, and even harder for the recipient. If you tell someone you love them be prepared to back that statement with Action. Why would anyone send flowers for a funeral if they never sent flowers to them whilst they were alive. They're dead, they can't see them. It would have been better to send flowers whilst they could see and smell them and appreciate them. It is far more soul destroying and damaging to think someone loves you, but when the chips are down they are nowhere to be seen. Love is unconditional, but it is human nature to put conditions on it. We spend our lives wanting acceptance and affirmation, but who did you accept and affirm during the past week. We want help, but who did you help this week. If we spent less time in the frame of mind of me, me, me, and more time thinking of what we could so for someone else, you may not necessarily be saying directly  you love them, but indirectly Your Actions has spoken louder than any words. Did you do something this week to show your love, but even more importantly where you had nothing to gain???
If you need my help and are not afraid of straight talking answers then do not hesitate to contact me, where I will be pleased to help. Contact me by CRR, email or FB.
Until next time....

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